September 19, 2015

My Week Under the Umbrella

Hey y'all! Well, I missed a week of Under the Umbrella because I had strep and my daughter had pneumonia.  So, I actually wasn't at school very much.  We (my awesome student intern and I) moved the activities from Labor Day week (super heroes) to this past week so the kids would still have fun with all the materials.

Here's a list of the materials I used:

1. Superhero Speech by Jenn Alcorn at Crazy Speech World
2. Save the Sentences by Jenn Alcorn at Crazy Speech World
3. Super Story Dice by Jenn Alcorn at Crazy Speech World
4. Superhero Quick Drill by Mia McDaniel at Putting Words In Your Mouth
5. Weekly Speech and Language Homework by Jenn Alcorn at Crazy Speech World

The kids had a great time and we accomplished so many goals! Next week: Pirates!

September 7, 2015

My Week Under the Umbrella

Hey everyone!

Just wanted to share a little with you about our week in my speech room.  We had a football theme going on and everyone loved it, even me! Here are the products I used:

Left to right:

My students loved all of these activities and really got in the football spirit! 

Here's a sneak peek as to what we are doing next week - Superheros! 

Also, I have a new graduate student intern beginning on Tuesday and I wanted to share a great resource from Carissa Ten Hoeve of Home Sweet Speech Room.  The SLP Student Teaching Binder makes it so easy to keep organized when you are supervising an intern! I made my new intern a welcome packet with all the information she will need to get started.  

Also, don't forget the SLP Must Have Sale going on right now over at TPT! Search #septslpmusthave to see all the products including my If You Give A Dog A Donut Book Companion at 50% off. 

Y'all have a great week!