January 11, 2014

Who is hibernating? And, my week under The Umbrella

Did y'all think I had dropped off the face of the earth? Haha! Well, I had back surgery and have spent some time away from my blog while recuperating.  I went back to work this week and I wanted to show you a little about what we did in my speech room!

Who is hibernating???

This little craft is quick and easy to make.  What you need: 
black construction paper
white paper
googly eyes

1. Draw a cave opening on the black construction paper with a pencil
2. Cut icicles from the white paper
3. Tear ice cubes from the rest of the white construction paper
4. Glue the icicles across the top of the cave outline
5. Glue the ice cubes all around the cave to make a kind of igloo shape
6. Glue the googly eyes so they are looking out of the cave

The kids loved making this craft and we got so many language goals accomplished by talking about who was in the cave and what hibernating is. Hope you have a fun time with this craft too!

This wasn't the only activity that I used in my speech room this week. I gave lots of winter themed homework with the Winter Worksheets & HW Packet for Speech Therapy from Busy Bee Speech. I also used There Was A Cold Lady Who Swallowed Some Snow: Language Unit from Crazy Speech World (check out her NEW website!).

This is a glimpse at my therapy table this week….
From left to right…
3. 2013-2014 SLP Planner (CANNOT live without it!)
4. iPad

All in all it was a great week back! How was your week?


  1. I LOVE that craft!!!! So adorable and definitely right up my alley! Thanks for shout out :)

  2. Cute craftivity! And thanks for the shout out! :)
    Busy Bee Speech

  3. Love the craft idea! I just may be using this next week! :)
