February 15, 2014

Bloggy Birthday Giveaway #1!!

Today it has been one year since The Speech Umbrella began! I have had so much fun getting to know all of you and it has been a great adventure creating materials for my speech room. I am having a HUGE giveaway and my bloggy buddies have been so generous in donating wonderful products for the grand prize!

Check this out…. I have a TON of products for the winners of my giveaways. They include:

1/2 sheet of Jamberry Nails from Carrie Manchester
SLP charm bracelet from DeanTrout on Etsy
Multisyllabic Words: Artic, Phonological Awareness, Apraxia, Speech Therapy Pack from Speech2U
Taking Perspective: A Social-Cognition Activity to Work on Empathy Training from SLPrunner
CV & CVCV Words with PreK Concepts from Twin Sisters Speech and Language Therapy
I "Mustache" You A Question… Can You Sequence? from Speech with Sharon
Preschool Speech Therapy Activities: Printable Materials - Basic Concepts from Speech Therapy Games
Articulation Placemats: Homework Sheets and Drill Activities from Figuratively Speeching SLP
Owl's Multiple Meaning Words from Queen's Speech
Cut, Sort, and Glue! Activities for the Entire Year from Speech Time Fun
Where is the Butterfly? Prepositions for Speech & Language from Rae's Speech Spot


There will be 5 giveaways and you can enter all 5! So be sure to check in every day and make your entries! Here's the first one! Good luck!


a Rafflecopter giveaway

1 comment:

  1. Happy birthday to your blog! Thanks for the awesome giveaways! :)
